Smartphone Terbaik 2022 Tech YouTuber Malaysia!

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Antara smartphone terbaik 2022 pilihan Tech YouTuber di Malaysia.

Nothing Phone (1)
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4
Pixel 7 Pro
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
OPPO Reno8 Pro
iPhone 11
iPhone 12
Xiaomi Mi 11

Terima kasih pada semua YouTuber join dalam video
Muaz Malek
Izami Gadget
Fazli Halim
Arib Ismail
Azam TechNave BM
Md Aizat
Rin Mansor






BACA JUGA  OPPO A78 5G: Mampu Miliki, Cun Melecun, Abang Tercemar

50 thoughts on “Smartphone Terbaik 2022 Tech YouTuber Malaysia!

  1. Ada juga tukang review phone guna midrange honor 70 je primary phone..tambah semangat aku pegang honor 70πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜‚

  2. ak paling benci klau ada org bilang iphone kamera selfie bagus, sbab bg ak kamera iphone teruk gila pa lagi flare yg menggangu…klau hp selfie yg bagus android is better….😏😏😏

  3. Knpa aku rasa energy Izami ni mcm Chef nak masak smbil buat explanation bahan yg dia guna, HAHAHA

  4. Setakat ni pakai iPhone 12 , Samsung S20 FE 5G dan ROG Phone 5s. Mostly aku pakai more to RoG dan Samsung. iPhone ni aku pakai more to Food Delivery macam Foodpanda, Grab dan ShopeeFood. Sebab terms of gaming ROG memang best buat main game dan Samsung No 2 kalau nak buat gaming. ( asalkan cip dia SD 865 keatas ). iPhone 12 last aku pakai, kalau nak upgrade maybe ambik 14 Max tu tapi bukan Pro.

  5. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
    iPhone 14 Pro
    Oppo Find X5 Pro
    Nothing Phone (1)
    iPhone 14 Pro Max
    Google Pixel 7 Pro
    Oppo Reno8 Pro
    Oppo Find N2
    Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4

  6. Phone apa terbaik bawah 1500 hilang jatuh…😭😭😭

  7. Brader yg ckp utk maki org tu berdekah akuπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ mmg btol2 guna screen yg bsr tu kaw2 ni hahaha

  8. Hareee mana sony oiii…. Hahahaha..
    Kesian sony… Dipalaukan.. Sekian dr pengguna sony xperia xz2 compact.. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  9. Seronok tengok review-review dorang… semoga satu hari nanti saya akan jadi YouTuber yg berjaya macam dia orang semua juga… 🀲

  10. Hai,Saya punya Cita-Cita pun nak jadi Tech Review (Youtuber di Malaysia) tapi saya masih muda belajar lagi… phone utama saya pakai sebagai daily driver sekarang ialah Samsung Galaxy A53 5G (8GB RAM + 256GB ROM) phone ni saya dapat sebagai hadiah apa yang bestnya tentang phone ni ialah dia punya Long Lasting Battery Life (5000mAh) betul betul boleh tahan 2Hari Basic Use. Phone kedua saya pakai ialah iPhone 8 Plus 256GB also phone ni saya simpan duit beli sendiri pada tahun 2019

    iPhone 8 Plus is the best phone to be honest software and hardware have good intergation and iOS 16 is the best looking software in my opinion i just mainly use it to keep photos and take photos to upload at Facebook or Instagram because iPhone Upload at full quality to social media platforms. Nowdays seldom use also because the battery πŸ”‹ health dropped to 83% screen on time only can last 3Hours after that battery low message pop up πŸ₯²

    Samsung Galaxy A53 5G in other hand the phone is Good especially the 5G Connection i am currently using Yes 5G Prepaid Plan Unlimited Speed for 5G and 7Mbps for 4G the best part is the plan has no F.U.P YET

    Best phone in 2022 i will choose iPhone 14 Pro Max because of the camera and the durability.The Dynamic island looks cool. But i don't have budget to get this phone πŸ₯²

    My second best phone in 2022 is the Nothing Phone 1 Yeahhh everyone is hype about it last year haha. I love Nothing Phone 1 the Glyph Interface is so amazing
    My first time seeing a phone with this feature. I would want to get this phone if i have the budget. Processor wise is just a Mid-Range Snapdragon 778G+ with UFS 3.1 flash storage last my favourite about this phone is the blinking red light on the back for video recording indicator one of the best feature. Price also affordable RM2399 can get 12GB RAM 256GB ROM.
    IsyahAllah if i have the money i will get this phone or the successor Nothing Phone 2 ?

  11. knpa ramai pilih pixel 7 pro? apa kelebihan keunggulan keistimewaan phone ni berbanding android yg lain?

  12. Utama : ipX
    Seken : pixel 2

    Damn it jauh jugak aku tertinggal, sambil usya2 s21 ultra seken sebab memang marhaen 😭

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